Friday, September 14, 2007

Friday, September 14, 2007, 3:45pm

Well, another week and a half of memories: ones of Jeana, Grandpa Greig, my Mom and her incessant smoking, etc, etc. OK, now on to the fun stuff, cause that shit can be depressing if you let it get to you. LMAO!!! ;)

A few days ago, I bought a SONY KDL-40XBR4 LCD flat panel TV from Fry's Electronics. The damn thing cost me $2339 + 279.00 for the three-year warranty and out the door total was $2,896 ! ! ! ! What the HELL WAS I THINKING?

Sure, it's a SONY, but it cost waaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy too much and I'm going to return it tonight or on Saturday afternoon. The other MAIN reason I'm returning the Sony is because it's Standard Definition picture is overtly pixelated. Granted any LCD / Plasma will be pixelized in SD, but this set's image was just way under my Videophile standards. I'm getting the 40" Samsung LN-T4061F. This'll be a great little LCD, and as per many customer reviews its Standard Def output is "good" or "great" so that's encouraging. The Sony was the same size, but looked larger because of the glass bezel frame around the whole matte black speaker enclosure.

It looked great in our bedroom, and as per Breanna (affirming she liked the Sony) stated, "Daddy, don't take this one back, I like it. It's really nice and the new TMNT is great on it." For those of you who do not know, TMNT is: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. My son, Logan, loves that movie, and Breanna likes it as well.

It's got incredible CG images the res is just incredible on a PS3 in Blu-Ray format.....I borrowed my friend's PS3 for a couple days to test out the image quality on the Sony (Only word to describe it: awesome). The Samsung though will save me $1,000 and with that, hell, we could pay our car payments sooner, go out to one hell of a dinner or night in SF on the Tenderloin looking at beautiful naked women and queers. ;) Or heck, I'll just pay home owners insurance early, there's a good idea. :)

OK, Tressa, I just want you to know you are the other half of my soul now. My best friend, always, and forever. I will love you till the end of time, Babydoll. Two words, Babe: Thank you. Hugs y muchos besos!!!!! ;)

Mom & Dad: Without you, I'd be broke, and both of my cars would have been re-poe'd by now. Heheheh, that or Chase, B of A, or Commonwealth would have charged me 15 more $35 dollar over your limit fees. :) You guys are my CLASSIC ROCK N' ROLLERS, keep on Chooglin'.

Daniel and Melissa, don't fuck up this Dell computer I'm working on for you. LMAO!!!! ;) I don't know if I told Tress, but I'm working on it some, coming along good. I'll let you know by Sunday how it's going.

Logan & Breanna: Damn, you two are spoiled. But I love the hell out of both of you. You are my world. Breanna, keep smiling, be patient, and remember just because Logan has one of two identical items, doesn't mean you need to have ONE of them (so no throwing fits for the thing)!!! :) My handsome Logan remember: I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU. ;)

More to come, God Bless, " . . . and with a whimper man, I'm fuckin' out of here!" -Dennis Hopper --> "Apocolypse Now"

