Tuesday, April 01, 2008


Monday morning, 1:30am

I awoke to the sound of Tressa crying heavily. I was alarmed and sprung out of bed when she came into the master bedroom. "What's wrong," I hurriedly asked?

"It's Theo, he's dead . . . !" Theo was our 11 year old cat. He was a good kitty. Playful, full of life, and he had the most handsome face (his face looked like a tiger). He looked proud and courageous....but he was a "softy" and a "love." He wouldn't hurt a fly, but you couldn't tell that by looking at him. :)

Tress was really upset, and I was upset too; I looked at him there on the kitchen floor. We think he had a heart attack because he was in his normal sleeping position, legs folded over, resting. Poor little guy. He's with God in Heaven now, so he's in a better place, but we'll miss him greatly.

I dug a hole at the back of our shed here at home and we wrapped him in a blanket and burried him there. Tressa put a kitty statue (a nice pose of a cat laying down) there while Breanna and her laid out some flowers. Godspeed, Theo. You're the man!

