Thursday, December 07, 2006

Data Center Operations:

What a fun job. Shipping then un-boxing servers (IBM's, HP's, SUN, DELL, and NetApp servers/equipment, etc, etc) over at Savvis which is right across the street from Great America. After 5 years on the Helpdesk, I finally get the hell off the phones and into a better position installing servers and setting up server cabinets and powering them with Baytech and Cyclade powerstrips (they cost $500 to $600 each). I can reach the powerstrips by IP Address, and powercycle any machine I see in a panic or hung state (this way, the machine will hopefully reboot and be problem free, otherwise we have to troubleshoot what's wrong with it).

I get to drive lots of places, over to our Sunnyvale 2 and 3 buildings, over to Building A or D, and then of course over to Savvis (which is where I spend 85 to 90% of my day at).

I did one fun thing last night. I hooked up our new Comcast DVR box to my HDTV. Regular channels look a bit more fuzzy on the Comcast DVR than with the old box, but HDTV looks amazing!!!!!!!! On-Demand had an outage last night so I could not see any categories or shows that were there. This morning, the outage is still going, I hope it's fixed by tonight. I then took my exisiting Tivo box and hooked it up in the Master Bedroom. I had to run a long telephone line to it to update the program guide info (I forgot my Wireless WEP Password, so the Tivo wasn't updating via the wireless network last night, just through the phone line).

I also programmed the Comcast DVR remote, so now I can power on/off my Sony Receiver, the TV, and the DVR all from the remote! YESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!

Christmas is coming up soon, but since we had an auto repair bill for new front pads and transmission service on our Van, I don't think we'll be buying too many presents for family members. :( That sucks, cause I always love buying things for my family. I'm only going to buy for the kids now and of course something nice for the wife. ;) I guess it's the thought that counts, right?

Breanna will be going to school full time soon, which is awesome, since she'll then be able to learn Spanish, Computer classes, and Science stuff (which she does not get now, since she's only in the morning half of the school day [they learn their letters, numbers and spelling in this half, plus story time, circle time, and play time on the playground]).

I bought a GeForce 7600 GS with 512MB of DDR2 Memory from Fry's the other night. My Geforce 6600 took a crap, so I needed a replacement. It rocks!!! Been playing Battlefield 2142 when the kids go to sleep after 9:30pm, and it's been a blast to play online with 15 to 20 other players on the same server! I kick ass in the hover tank, and pretty much smoke guys with the SNIPER RIFLE. ;)

OK, that's it for now.

Have a good one,


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