Monday, February 26, 2007

Monday, 2-26-07, 10:45am

"You're like sheep without a shephard, you don't know how to be alone . . . you keep askin', "How do I get outta here . . . where do I fit in? Though the world is torn and shaken, even if your heart is breakin', it's waiting for you to awaken, and someday you will . . . Learn To Be Still . . ."

-The Eagles

That one line in the chorus: Learn To Be Still. We all need to do that from time to time. My kids are like chaotic lightning bolts sometimes. Constantly moving, constantly needing my wife's or my attention. I remembered back to when I was 5 years old, Mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, look at this, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, MOM!!!!!!!!!!!! Hehehe, she probably gave in and said, "Yeah that looks really cool, Bri," and then went back to her conversation with her girlfriend or my Grandma, but talk about nagging! What punks kids can be . . . but at the same time, the best part about kids, is that sense of belonging.

Being part of the greater good. Feeling that you are their parents, their leaders, and raising them well. It gives me such a great sense of pride, and when Breanna or Logan look at you just right and say, "Daddy, I love you," the melt factor goes to 180% or more! :)

Logan is talking up a storm now, and very communicative, he's 2 years and 7 months old now, so just a bit beyond 2.5. Man is he talking, and he's immitating sounds and behaviors like mad. He'll sit in front of my computer at home, put his TINY LITTLE hands on the keyboard and move them.....he turns to Tressa and says, "I'm working." What a crack up!!!!!!!!!

The other thing I love is he will be coughing or I hear a loud thump hit the ground when he's running like a Cheetah on speed, and I get concerned: "Logan, are you OK?" The reply always comes, "I'm OK, I'm OK." Sometimes singular, but I love it when it's twice. My favorite phrase he uses is when he wants to be close to you watching a movie: "Will you lay down with me, please?" or "Will you sit down with me. Me and you, watch Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!"

Breanna's into Bratz dolls these days, no more princesses. She told me yesterday, I don't like Princesses any more, I only like BRATZ dolls. I told her you can like more than one thing, babe. :) She looked at me puzzled for a second and said, "Ah, OK, I love bratz dolls but I just like princesses a little bit." Cracked me up!!! She has a new BRATZ wall comforter we hung up right over her bed with some cool curvy ornate curtain ends (looks curvy/celtic-ie? : ) but either way it's awesome, and she loves it.

Logan in turn has a Cayman Porsche poster over his bed, a few fighter jet pics, and Spider-Man, Captain America, The Hulk, and the best one WOLVERINE over his bed as well. He loves em' ! ! !

That's all for now . . .



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