Tuesday, November 28, 2006

11:56pm, November 28, 2006

OK, finally went over to the Great Mall in Milpitas to repair Tressa's wedding ring. Seems like forever the the diamond was loose and rotating within the prongs, that'll be fixed in two days. :) She's happy, so I'm happy (although since I didn't have my original receipt with me, I had to pay $21.65 to get the damn thing sent out and repaired). OH JOY!!!! OK, on to more positive things.

We spent Thanksgiving weekend with Tressa's folks and had the turkey dinner at Melissa & Daniel's house next door....it was fantastic, and as always, the Valdez, Bal and Lucero ladies kicked ass on the meal and all its fixings. Right before dinner, I had a video game discovery of the Century thanks to Daniel.

It was GUITAR HERO for the Playstation 2 ! ! ! One word: WOW!!!!!!! LOL!!! It's a kick ass guitar/Rock N Roll game (a lot like the dancing pad craze of a couple years ago, except you hook up the guitar to your PS2, and strum and hold down fret notes to the rhythm of the song playing (timing is critical to getting the song right and not being booed by your audience).

It's a great game, and a lot of fun with more than one person. Next step, I'm buying the Wireless V-Guitar for $60.00!!! It's gonna be a blast playing with Tressa, if she doesn't buy the Nintendo Wii or the Playstation 3 first! LOL!!!!! ;)

I played a demo of the new Nintendo Wii's capabilities tonight at the Great Mall, called Xcite Truck (name comes off the old classic Xcite Bike I think). It was great, it's a wireless controller, that you can use in sword fighting games, tennis games, and driving games. And get this....you can turn the controller sideways (horizontally) and tilt it left and right to steer in any driving game for the Wii. Three words: Amazing Genius Gameplay!

Was able to play my iPOD Nano in the Sienna tonight on my way to the mall . . . . since getting the Camry, I've had no cassette player, so no iPOD music rocking my way to work or to Mom & Dad's, Tio & Tia's or Fry's. :)

Next step is either to upgrade the stereo/CD Player in the Camry or buy the $70 wireless FM tuner for the iPOD so I can listen to my music once again (cause God knows, without my music, Brian's not a happy, go-lucky, care-free Mexican)! ! ! ;)

OK, that's all for now, gotta get some sleep. It's Wednesday morning and I have to get up in six hours. OH JOY! More to come . . . . .



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