Monday, July 30, 2007

Monday, July 30, 2007, 11:02pm

I hate memories some times. They can be old friends that make you smile when thinking about something, yet they can be haunting and gripping to no end. All things get better in time. Well, what is time? Who knows how long I will remember the passing of my first wife, seven hours, seven days, or seven years --- or more.

I simply remember to laugh and smile each day. :) I like to joke around and have fun. Being in the IT field, we get to joke around and play our rock music loud in our cubes and generally have fun as long as we get the job done and help our customers (users that have problems with the email or they've got a blue screening laptop (Good old Dell Computers and IBMs). Hehehhe, well that's what a warranty's for, right? RIGHT. Because just like cars, computers are electronic and mechanical in nature. Like everything mechanical or electronic: IT WILL EVENTUALLY FAIL. If you don't have a warranty on it, be prepared to spend lots of money or you may just want to buy a new one. :)

I can't BELIEVE that Logan turned 3 on 7-26-07. Man he's getting big fast. Talking a lot now, and my Angel, Miss Breanna, well she's a chatter box times 50! :)

Tressa's sick, sore throat, respiratory infection, not good at all. But hey, she took some good drugs and will be sleeping soundly soon. She needs her rest so I hope it works well. Arithromyicin is supposed to be pretty good for these infections, so we'll see in 3 to 4 days if she's better. At least I hope we will, I'm missing the home cooked meals and wonderful items she puts together on our dinner table. She's an excellent cook and should be awarded the Purple Heart for the things she's done to her hands with a knife (accidentally of course). Got a knuckle of hers real good with our J.A. Henkels knife (the big one) and had to go to ER to get it fixed. YUCK, what a bummer for her, but she's alright now. She's my culinary master chef ! ! ! And did I mention.....She ROCKS!!!!!!!!!! I love you baby, if you're reading any of this Blog. :)

Alright, that's it, more to come later.

Bye for now! . . . . . .

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