Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Wednesday, August 1, 2007, 3:12pm

Well folks, I finally went out and did it. I called every EB Games, Gamestop and Target store that I know of (approx 14 stores) and I found a store that had 7 Nintendo Wii's in stock at 12:00pm. I instantly drove down there on my lunch (which was late at 1:00pm I took it) and by the time I got there and ALL THE WAY TO THE BACK OF THE STORE IN THE ELECTRONICS Department, I found ONE. Only ONE WAS LEFT ! ! ! ! ! I was amazed. In an hour and a half, 6 Wii's flew out the door by buyers eager to purchase one like myself. Incredible....can you imagine Nintendo's sales revenue, and at Christmas, I bet you won't be able to find any of them!

I drove home and dropped it off, and after work, went directly home to hook it up to my 57" Widescreen TV. It was awesome, I bought one game for it: Heatseeker (It's a fighter jet combat game). I have a huge love of Fighter Jets and all they can do, so that was the right game for me.

The control is awesome with the Nintendo remote and Nunchuk hooked up to it. The remote is your pilot's stick with the trigger firing missiles and bombs of various types. The Nunchuk is cool because it's used for Throttle control and flares/chaff defenses.

I probably should not have bought the dang Wii console, cause our Space Rent at PDR is coming up, but screw em' ! ! ! ! ;) So what if I go negative $250!!!??? What's $250 any way....LOL! NOT!!!!!!! I'm hoping/praying I can deposit some money in the account before Friday to cover my impulsive purchase. Damn, it's fun though, SUPER FUN!!!!!!! I started out in a small fighter jet that looks much like the little plane Roger Moore flew through the beginning scene of Octopussy. That was a good movie, by the way. :)

I passed a couple other missions and have an F-16 and an F-15 on-hand, currently I'm using the F-15 since it's more of a multi-strike attack fighter.

Logan's B-Day went well at Pump It Up on Fair Oaks Ave. He played, and played, and ran, and ran and ran some more. They loved all the jump houses. Breanna was smiling from ear to ear when she saw her old friend Natalia show up!!!!! It was too cool ! ! !

OK, more later, I have to finish work and go home to play me some Nintendo Wii ! ! ! ! ! ! ;)


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