Saturday, May 24, 2008

May 24, 2008, 7:50am

Memorial Day Weekend, it's nice to have a three day weekend once in a while. I was super tired last night. Didn't really talk to any one, just text'd my buddy Rome about next week. Hopefully taking the kids to The Jungle next Tuesday or Wednesday. They'll love it!

My Dad finally got his Samsung base and remote for his new LCD TV (it's a 40", mine's still bigger)!!! ;) All kidding aside, it's a nice TV, good, sharp colors, contrast is nice and when he tweaks the color settings to where he likes it, it will look awesome in his bedroom.

Had to go down to the Police Impound garage (aka: Sunnyvale Tow) and get his 1995 Ford Escort out of lock up. What sucked is S'vale PD said it would only cost him $145, but it's that, plus a $70 gate fee, and a $45 storage fee after 4 hours (which is horseshit) . . . . . you would think they'd charge you the forty-five AFTER it was there overnight. NOPE, not the case. A-holes! The tow truck driver that met us there at approx 7:40pm last night was a real dick as well.

I stated, "Why does Sunnyvale PD only mark and then tow one vehicle on this residential street?" There are cars parked UP and DOWN this street ALL the time. They don't move, they're there ALL THE TIME, because people parallel park in front of their houses every day and every night. It's been that way since I was 10 (I'm 34 now). "Why do they pick one Mexican's car and tow his vehicle out of the hundreds of cars on the street?"

The "Tow Truck Driver" from behind the counter says, "Well, you seen one Mexican you've seen em' all." This PISSED ME OFF. I responded without hesitation, "Yeah, so that's like you've seen one White Guy you've seen them all, huh?" His face turned red, and he didn't say another damn word for about 3 or 4 minutes, he just typed in what he needed to do on the computer terminal and charged my Dad the stupid $265 to get his Ford Escort out of the Impound Lot. What an ass that dude was, I couldn't believe he said that. The whole time this moderate tension was in gear, my Dad's just lookin' at me, and I was waiting for him to say, "Look, Asshole, I want your name, your Manager's name, and get his butt on the phone right now!!!" :) But he didn't, he calmly, waited there, still pissed that he had to pay more than $145 . . . . . his mature age showing now, he passively waited and paid his bill.

If he was 10 years younger, that idiot Tow Truck Driver behind the counter probably would have been out of a job. :) But alas, he's "Mr. Cool" and you'll be the fool if you fuck with him. Don't worry, Dad, I gotch yer' back! ;)

It sucks when you get a stupid "Parking Ticket" for parallel parking your own vehicle in front of your OWN HOME. This world has gone upside down I think. But, the City gets its revenue, and the Cops get paid, and the Tow Truck Driver make stupid and maybe sometimes "costly" remarks to their customers. We just walked out of there and remembered one thing: What goes around, comes around. Amen to that.

Have a great Memorial Day Weekend, it's Saturday, 8:35am. Time to start this day, Biotch!!! ;)



Thursday, May 08, 2008

Thursday, 5-8-08, 5:35am

OK, I finally broke down and did it. I got a great deal online from on a Canon SD1000 IS digital camera. It originally was $289, but since it's going to be "End of Life'd" pretty soon, they're selling them for clearance prices!!! I got mine for $159 + 5.99 shippng UPS Ground. You can't beat that with a stick! So now, this will be Tressa's camera and I'll use our still amazing camera, the Canon SD700 IS (in case you didn't know, the "IS" stands for image stabilization for those folks with shaky hands). It takes awesome pictures, some amazing fine details. If you've got a white head you don't want any one to see, show me the other side of your face, because this camera catches every detail. :)

I'm going to take Tressa and the kids to see Ironman tonight, should be sweet!!! The reviews are in, and they're all saying this version of Ironman is pretty killer. That's good, cause a lot of times comic hero movies are drawn out, too much introduction to the super hero guy, and not enough action, etc, etc. A friend of mine saw the film and stated, this movie is ALL ACTION!!! Cool, can't wait to check it out.

OK, have to get working on my Aperture move list project for the 52 servers we're moving on Friday. OH JOY!!!!!!!! :(

More to come . . .


Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Wednesday, 5-7-08, 2:45am

HOLY S**T ! ! ! I will never buy another Sony TV for as long as I live. :) Which is sort of unfortunate for Sony, because I've always loved their TV's. I saw a 57" Samsung yesterday at Circuit City that was simply put: Amazing.

The TV was not one of the "latest and greatest" sets, but it was about 7 or 8 months old. The nice feature that set it apart was the 120 Hz feature (which supposedly smooths out any jagged lines or blocky frames that come in on your HDTV converter or DirecTV box. The colors were crisp and sharp as can be, and it was nice, because I was comparing it to it's little brother, a "standard" Samsung LCD TV right next to it (that unit was also not the latest and greatest, but it was cool to see just what the 120 Hz feature does for you). That's my next TV if I ever upgrade.

Yeah, right. Who am I kidding, I need to pay off my loan that my Dad gave me, then I can buy a TV, so that'll be some time in 2057. ;)

I was also checking out the Canon SD 1000 IS, the "I.S." is for image stabilization for those of you with shaky hands, it auto-corrects this and takes a great still image pic.

Breanna took her awesome "School Pictures" yesterday, damn she's a cutie. Six years old going on 13 ! ! ! Logan's pics are next week, 3.75 years old and he's built like a six year old ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! :)

We're going to be putting them both in Public School soon. Not soon enough if you ask me, but soon. SCS is a great school, but it's just too expensive. :(

OK, I'm tired, I just updated a couple CCT cases (logged in to work from home) and now I'm going back to sleep. I hate being on-call ! ! ! But hey, it's nice to get a few dollars on the check from a week's worth of being on stand-by.

More to come . . .