Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Thursday, 8-29-08, 12:36am

Holy cow, OK, as if my last post wasn't bad enough, the heat today in Houston was a whopping 104 degrees!!!!!!! With the humidity it felt like 120, GOD DANG ! ! ! ! ! ! ! :( I hate this heat. :)

OK, now on to something I rarely comment on cause most politicians suck and are thiefs and liars, much like myself. LOL!!!!!!! NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) OK, humor aside, here's a quote from Yahoo News concerning Bill Clinton's truthful support of Barrack Obama:

"He was not used to the 24/7 news cycle and people with cell phones recordin what he said at every stop,” a close associate of his told me. “But you can’t blame Bill Clinton for the loss. At end of the day, he was a huge plus.”
Now, both Clintons have a chance to be a plus for Obama. But one of the greatest contributions they can make is to leave the spotlight. There can be only one nominee.
Conventions are a time for unity and good feelings, however, and the crowd received Bill very, very warmly Wednesday night.
Basking in the applause, he said: “I love this.”
And who says Bill Clinton doesn’t tell the truth?"

Amen to that reporter, Roger Simon. That was a great article, it was much longer than the cut out paragraph above, but that last bit was perfect. A nice way to defend one of the greatest Presidents this country has ever had. He was a great leader and did a lot for us, but got tarnished, severely for his extra marrital affair with Monica Lewinsky. Everyone said, "No President should ever do that and remain in office."

You know what, leave the man alone. It's his "personal business." Even though he WAS the most powerful man in America, nobody has the right to judge or delve into his personal life. How would you like reporters, paparrazi and teens with cell phones recording your every move and writing down or typing in WHATEVER YOU SAY? It would be an "invasion of privacy," right?

Your Honor, I rest my case. Three words:

Bill Clinton Rocks!

I'd elect his ass again over Obama any day, but alas, he served his two terms in Office.

"Say Goodnight, Gracie . . . . ," and with that, I exit, Stage left. ;)

Wednesday, 8-27-08, 5:10pm

OK, Houston . . . . this hot weather and humidity bullshit: YOU CAN KEEP IT ! ! ! ! I've been in this Hot Zone for three days now and Jesus H, come on, where's the give?! :)

Thank God the green 2008 Mustang they gave me has A/C otherwise I'd have to check out. I'm definitely hitting the pool tonight, no Spa, it's hotter than the proverbial "whorehouse in Texas." ;) Yesterday, I went from the front of A-4 to the "visitor parking" section, which is close, but I was drenched in a downpour of torrential rain. No biggie, it was just water.

Well, when I got to the car, I got in and pulled down the mirror and was like, holy flash floods, Batman!!!!!! I was soaked, I looked at my shirt and pants and they were drenched least half way down my pants and the thunder sounds like something out of the war movies we all watch: BOOM, crack, BOOOOOOM!!!!! One thunder burst went off right over head when I got back to my hotel and I actually ducked. It was so loud, that I thought a tree or something right behind me got struck, it was a trip! :)

I did get to hear the new Metallica, which SUCKED! I do enjoy the Schizophrenic Psycho song by Puddle of Mudd, that tune rocks. I'm waiting to hear the other two Metallica songs to see if they're any good, but for now that tune, "The Day That Never Comes," friggin' blows goats. Sorry Metallica, but I am a LONG TIME True Fan, and I don't mince words. Pick up your guitars and riff out some better sounding music; again, I'll await the other two, you'd better not disappoint.

Cable Guy, Jack of all Trades, Master of None: It's 5:00am, do you know where your Son is? :) LOL! ! ! ! ;)

This is Valdez Chico, signing off . . .

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sunday, 8-24-08, 12:50pm

Flying out to Houston, TX, for HP. Wow, I've never been away from the kids for more than a day or so, and at that I was still close. Tressa used to leave for 2 or 3 days work with Del Valle Homes, but she was still only an hour and a half or two hours away.

This will be an adventure that's for sure. I'm going to HP's Houston campus to the Color LaserJet University training for five days (Monday through Friday).

It was a bit rough leaving the kids and Tressa at the Security Screening gate. Breanna was crying stating she'd miss me, Tress was crying and telling me she loves me so much. Logan was crying cause he toppled over a Security Screener guy by the window. LMAO! He was rough horsing with Breanna and somehow hurdled himself towards the back of the guy's knees and he went down: BOOM!!! I helped him up a little and he said, "That's problem." But we railed Logan, "You don't do that young man, you tell him you're sorry." Which he did, but he was humbled and embarrassed and knew he was in trouble, so he started crying.

I waved goodbye to Tressa and Logan (since she was holding him) until I couldn't see their faces as I walked down the terminal. Holding back a few tears of my own. I will miss them this week. IT's gonna be a lot of traveling. Flight leaves San Jose at 1:50pm, gets to Houston at approximately 5:40pm (by that time, I'll have covered a little time zone hop, so it'll be 7:40pm Houston time. :)

Then I'll fly back from Houston at 6:40pm and arrive in San Jose at 8:40pm (minus the two hour time zone hop back to Pacific Standard Time). Hey, all I can say is: God Bless Overtime. ;)

I'm gonna get some snacks now for the flight. I'm sitting at Terminal C2 awaiting boarding time for now. At least San Jose Intl has FREE Wi-Fi internet for travelers waiting around. :)

Tressa, Breanna, and Logan, Daddy loves you with all his heart. Be good, have fun, listen to Mommy, watch some good movies, and I'll see you soon. I love you guys! Kisses and BIG HUGS!!!

