Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Wednesday, 8-27-08, 5:10pm

OK, Houston . . . . this hot weather and humidity bullshit: YOU CAN KEEP IT ! ! ! ! I've been in this Hot Zone for three days now and Jesus H, come on, where's the give?! :)

Thank God the green 2008 Mustang they gave me has A/C otherwise I'd have to check out. I'm definitely hitting the pool tonight, no Spa, it's hotter than the proverbial "whorehouse in Texas." ;) Yesterday, I went from the front of A-4 to the "visitor parking" section, which is close, but I was drenched in a downpour of torrential rain. No biggie, it was just water.

Well, when I got to the car, I got in and pulled down the mirror and was like, holy flash floods, Batman!!!!!! I was soaked, I looked at my shirt and pants and they were drenched least half way down my pants and the thunder sounds like something out of the war movies we all watch: BOOM, crack, BOOOOOOM!!!!! One thunder burst went off right over head when I got back to my hotel and I actually ducked. It was so loud, that I thought a tree or something right behind me got struck, it was a trip! :)

I did get to hear the new Metallica, which SUCKED! I do enjoy the Schizophrenic Psycho song by Puddle of Mudd, that tune rocks. I'm waiting to hear the other two Metallica songs to see if they're any good, but for now that tune, "The Day That Never Comes," friggin' blows goats. Sorry Metallica, but I am a LONG TIME True Fan, and I don't mince words. Pick up your guitars and riff out some better sounding music; again, I'll await the other two, you'd better not disappoint.

Cable Guy, Jack of all Trades, Master of None: It's 5:00am, do you know where your Son is? :) LOL! ! ! ! ;)

This is Valdez Chico, signing off . . .

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