Thursday, December 07, 2006

Data Center Operations:

What a fun job. Shipping then un-boxing servers (IBM's, HP's, SUN, DELL, and NetApp servers/equipment, etc, etc) over at Savvis which is right across the street from Great America. After 5 years on the Helpdesk, I finally get the hell off the phones and into a better position installing servers and setting up server cabinets and powering them with Baytech and Cyclade powerstrips (they cost $500 to $600 each). I can reach the powerstrips by IP Address, and powercycle any machine I see in a panic or hung state (this way, the machine will hopefully reboot and be problem free, otherwise we have to troubleshoot what's wrong with it).

I get to drive lots of places, over to our Sunnyvale 2 and 3 buildings, over to Building A or D, and then of course over to Savvis (which is where I spend 85 to 90% of my day at).

I did one fun thing last night. I hooked up our new Comcast DVR box to my HDTV. Regular channels look a bit more fuzzy on the Comcast DVR than with the old box, but HDTV looks amazing!!!!!!!! On-Demand had an outage last night so I could not see any categories or shows that were there. This morning, the outage is still going, I hope it's fixed by tonight. I then took my exisiting Tivo box and hooked it up in the Master Bedroom. I had to run a long telephone line to it to update the program guide info (I forgot my Wireless WEP Password, so the Tivo wasn't updating via the wireless network last night, just through the phone line).

I also programmed the Comcast DVR remote, so now I can power on/off my Sony Receiver, the TV, and the DVR all from the remote! YESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!

Christmas is coming up soon, but since we had an auto repair bill for new front pads and transmission service on our Van, I don't think we'll be buying too many presents for family members. :( That sucks, cause I always love buying things for my family. I'm only going to buy for the kids now and of course something nice for the wife. ;) I guess it's the thought that counts, right?

Breanna will be going to school full time soon, which is awesome, since she'll then be able to learn Spanish, Computer classes, and Science stuff (which she does not get now, since she's only in the morning half of the school day [they learn their letters, numbers and spelling in this half, plus story time, circle time, and play time on the playground]).

I bought a GeForce 7600 GS with 512MB of DDR2 Memory from Fry's the other night. My Geforce 6600 took a crap, so I needed a replacement. It rocks!!! Been playing Battlefield 2142 when the kids go to sleep after 9:30pm, and it's been a blast to play online with 15 to 20 other players on the same server! I kick ass in the hover tank, and pretty much smoke guys with the SNIPER RIFLE. ;)

OK, that's it for now.

Have a good one,


Friday, December 01, 2006

2:07pm, December 1, 2006

Depression. At first utterance, it sounds like something you'd do when kneading dough or putting your hand in freshly poured cement. Well, I'm not talking about the act of depressing something (like the doctor depresses your tongue with the "tiny wooden stick, Mommy" LOL
No, I'm talking about Depression that comes over you from a loss of some kind. Every man/woman is different, and what you may find stressful, I may think nothing of . . . but I think depression and or manic "High" feelings hit us all from time to time.

Take last night for instance. It was 11:00pm on Thursday night, 11-30-06. I thought I'd simply hit the pillow and fall fast asleep. Not GONNA DO IT!!!! Wouldn't be prudent at this juncture! :) I had many thoughts of Jeana and good times we had over off of her small one bedroom she rented off of the "Old Man" and his "brat son," as per Jeana. It's hard when I have the flashbacks or think of Jeana or hear a song. I want so badly to move beyond the pain and into my life with my Wife (Tressa) and the kids (Breanna & Logan). Sometimes I just want to scream and say, "Why did this happen to such a good guy? Why God, didn't you take me instead. A child needs her mommy . . . those of us fortunate enough to be raised by a Housewife/Homemaker, need count our lucky stars. I screamed for an hour or two at 742 Santa Rita St. in Sunnyvale, CA. I was inside the house, all the windows shut, It was a trip, cause I did not have time to prepare for Holloween, it was October 31, 2002. The rental house was completely empty. The only thing I had kept there was my black stereo cabinet (which is in use today in # 209 in the Master Bedroom). I kept it so I could pack the last boxes and things up and listen to some great music while doing so . . . rockin' out to Metallica, or The Eagles, Led Zeppelin, whoever. So kids came to the door and asked the usual, "Trick or Treat" request. I had nothing to give them except I remembered in the kitchen cabinet were the candy bars I brought back from Europe called "Kinder Buenos." They are amazing, you should try one sometime. So I gave the kids some Kinder Buenos and shut the door, then shut off the porch lite, so hopefully I would get no more kids asking for candy I did not have. :) I packed up the remaining things, crying at a few steps through the packing process, and locked the front door one last time. I put the last box in my 97' Dodge Stratus ES, turned around to look at the house. It was beautiful; we were so happy there and just starting our lives with little Breanna, who was seven months old.

I have to write this funny event down somewhere, so here goes:
Jeana and I were in her bedroom of this five bedroom house, and we were getting erotic and excited to all get go! We knocked the boots, and dropped a few down, and I gave her a couple Protein Shakes which she loved and wanted more of . . . . then the humorous part happened:
The landlord's son, let's call him Jackass A, knocks on the door and shouts, "Hey could you two keep it down, please!" Jeana and I sheepishly looked at each other, laughed semi-silently and replied, "Yes, we'll try....sorry." We didn't try though, we kept up at it all night and he was PISSED when we finished up 6 other times later. We didn't care, we were young. ;)
Jeana was 38 and I was 28 at the time......the Glory Days. Man, I could last 6 or 7 times in the sack, now I'm lucky if I've got two in me. LOLOLOL, LMAO!!!

Remind me to tell you about Jim Reyes catching us "In the Act" in her rented Bedroom. LOL! OK, I'll tell you now. This is what happened, we were getting "Frisky" and Jeana wanted some Mexi-Melt action, so we went to it. Damn dog, but I loved Purdy, she was soooooo good!!! A beautiful black lab. I wished Purdy would have barked louder when she heard Jim approaching the back door. Because needless to say, I jumped out of Jeana's small full size bed REALLY QUICKLY, and onto the floor so I wouldn't be exposed to Policeman, Jim. Little did I remember I jumped on the side where her closet doors were and what were the closet doors made out of? Well, the were full size MIRRORS, so Jim could see me in all my naked glory, hunched over, trying to use the bed as semi-cover for my nakedness. LMAO!!!! It was embarassing as hell, but thinking back to it, funny as all shit!!! I was completely naked and Jeana was semi naked under the bed sheets. Damn that was a funny story I'll never forget. LOL!!!! The only words that Jim could muster up were, "Uhhhh, OK . . . I have been humbled . . . ." Jeana shouted out, "Jim, I thought you were going to come earlier?!!!" LOL! Nope, Jim had gotten off his beat at 8:00am or 9:00am, whatever time it was and came over to Mary Ave and Fremont Ave in Sunnyvale to feed Purdy and make sure she had enough water.

More to come, you thought that was good?!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Take it easy,


Better known as: Valdez Chico, Que no? Pos Si . . . Pos quien sabe?!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

11:56pm, November 28, 2006

OK, finally went over to the Great Mall in Milpitas to repair Tressa's wedding ring. Seems like forever the the diamond was loose and rotating within the prongs, that'll be fixed in two days. :) She's happy, so I'm happy (although since I didn't have my original receipt with me, I had to pay $21.65 to get the damn thing sent out and repaired). OH JOY!!!! OK, on to more positive things.

We spent Thanksgiving weekend with Tressa's folks and had the turkey dinner at Melissa & Daniel's house next was fantastic, and as always, the Valdez, Bal and Lucero ladies kicked ass on the meal and all its fixings. Right before dinner, I had a video game discovery of the Century thanks to Daniel.

It was GUITAR HERO for the Playstation 2 ! ! ! One word: WOW!!!!!!! LOL!!! It's a kick ass guitar/Rock N Roll game (a lot like the dancing pad craze of a couple years ago, except you hook up the guitar to your PS2, and strum and hold down fret notes to the rhythm of the song playing (timing is critical to getting the song right and not being booed by your audience).

It's a great game, and a lot of fun with more than one person. Next step, I'm buying the Wireless V-Guitar for $60.00!!! It's gonna be a blast playing with Tressa, if she doesn't buy the Nintendo Wii or the Playstation 3 first! LOL!!!!! ;)

I played a demo of the new Nintendo Wii's capabilities tonight at the Great Mall, called Xcite Truck (name comes off the old classic Xcite Bike I think). It was great, it's a wireless controller, that you can use in sword fighting games, tennis games, and driving games. And get can turn the controller sideways (horizontally) and tilt it left and right to steer in any driving game for the Wii. Three words: Amazing Genius Gameplay!

Was able to play my iPOD Nano in the Sienna tonight on my way to the mall . . . . since getting the Camry, I've had no cassette player, so no iPOD music rocking my way to work or to Mom & Dad's, Tio & Tia's or Fry's. :)

Next step is either to upgrade the stereo/CD Player in the Camry or buy the $70 wireless FM tuner for the iPOD so I can listen to my music once again (cause God knows, without my music, Brian's not a happy, go-lucky, care-free Mexican)! ! ! ;)

OK, that's all for now, gotta get some sleep. It's Wednesday morning and I have to get up in six hours. OH JOY! More to come . . . . .



Monday, October 09, 2006

This is my First Blog on My name's Brian, nice to meet you. Thanks for reading my blog. Not much here, for the 1st round, but more to come I'm sure.

Real quick background on me and my family:

We're a family of four: Brian, Tressa, Breanna, and Logan.

Tressa, my beautiful wife is a great Accountant working in a Construction office on land acquisitions, payroll, and HR/401K've got a problem, she can solve it. She's the house/meal organizer. ;) She's a gourmet cook (and should be hired for her talents in the kitchen). Every meal, and I mean EVERY MEAL, is amazing. Whether it's the simplest things thrown together, or a fancy Filet Mignon, filled with bleu cheese, and wrapped with bacon, she's your gal. She is my Best Friend, a wonderful, caring, and self-sacrificing and loving person I have ever known (next to my own Mother) . . . but she's in the # 1 spot. :)

Breanna is my five year old daughter. She is amazing, talks with the utmost clarity (even though she's working on her grammar) and is a constant babbler of all things: be it clear or dis-combobulated gibberish. Her facial expressions are the best part of her energetic personality. She's always hopping around the house, tip-toe jumping cause she's excited or jumping onto the couch to watch her favorite cartoons (which are Spongebob, Jimmy Neutron, and Fairly Odd Parents).

Logan is our 2 year old. He's a rowdy little bugger. Loves to throw toys, well, he loves to throw anything, and HARD!!!! He throws hard and fast for a two year old. He's rugged and strong . . . throws himselft on the couch or bed like a Tonka-Truck Rocket (if you can imagine such a vehicle)!!!! He loves to be whipped upside down and swung around, he'll smile and laugh for a minute or two, then he's like, "Yo, put me down so I can play and run, butt-munch!" LOL!!! He's started talking about 6 months ago, and has two and three word phrases down now....his vocabular is exploding!

And then there's Me. Better known as Daddy! I'm an SJSU Graduate, Criminal Justice was my major--great field. I'm currently working in Information Technology as a PC/UNIX Sys Admin & Data Center Operations Engineer (aka: DCO). Some day I'll be porting over my IT and Criminal Justice knowledge to a Sheriff's Office or City/State Police Department, Coast Guard services, etc, etc. I'm into the usual guy stuff: Computer games, music (love anything from Classical to Heavy Metal bands), movies, anything to do with Jet Fighters and air-shows, cars, home-theater equipment, collecting comic figures and sculptures (I'm a huge fan of Marvel & DC comics and tons of Anime films as well).

OK, there's the "some of the" background. I'll write more I'm sure . . . but alas, the machine calls me back to work....and as Pink Floyd says, "Welcome my son, welcome, to the machine!" ;)


2nd Post

3:20pm, October 9, 2006

Brian's Parents - Los Locos de Sunnyvale :-)

My first 10 years were spent in Cupertino, CA. I had a great childhood. My Mom was a housewife (I think they're called homemakers now, or home-wreckers if the bitches cheated on their husbands) LOL!!!! But I digress.....

My Mom:

She was a great teacher and caregiver. She was loving and supportive all my years and continues to be what I'd like myself to be and my wife to be as far as a model "For All That is Good." She was definitely "Suzy Homemaker"....always had the house clean, laundry done, and lunch and dinner on the table at 12:00pm and 5:30pm on the nose when Dad got home from work. The best thing about my Mom, she always had a smile on her face and whether silly or serious could always make me laugh. My Mom would do anything for Dad and I, and her love is only limited to what your heart may desire (she's that good :) To this day, I can't thank my Mom or Dad enough for adding patience, courtesy, understanding, communicating, loving, and an amazing sense of humor to my character. I laugh, have fun, and joke around every day to bring humor into my life and's one of the things that people like most about me. I've been told I'm very personable and hilarious to hang out with. Thanks, Mom & Dad!

My Dad:

The Cable Guy, his early career made him a great cook. He was a chef at El Camino Hospital, and damn can this man cook a mean cheeseburger, steak, hotdog, chicken, etc, on that grill ! ! ! He's got a sick sense of humor, hehehehehe, that's where I get my twistedness from, a man of few words, but of integrity and caring. His heart is HUGE!!! He has made many sacrifices for Mom and I and beared a load not many men would care to bear. But he's done it in style, and without skipping a beat in his step....even though it may have been hard at times, Dad pulls through, and he does it with a smile. Why you may ask? "Cause he's the Dad."

Dad, thank you for everything you've done for me. You put up with me in High School, even though I didn't want to mow the lawns or work with you on landscaping in the back yard, or whatever! Then you got me through college at SJSU and through lots of other hardships, and I am grateful. I'll pay you back slowly and through our one-on-one counseling sessions when I'm driving our Camry or Sienna, transporting you to who know's where, so you may confess your Sins, My Son. LOL!!!!! ;)

OK, there's the latest novel. More to come . . . ohhh, Dad, "I FOUND YOUR Harmon Kardon!" ;) NOT!!!! Glad it's back in your stereo cabinet. Long live H/K.
