Friday, September 14, 2007

Friday, September 14, 2007, 3:45pm

Well, another week and a half of memories: ones of Jeana, Grandpa Greig, my Mom and her incessant smoking, etc, etc. OK, now on to the fun stuff, cause that shit can be depressing if you let it get to you. LMAO!!! ;)

A few days ago, I bought a SONY KDL-40XBR4 LCD flat panel TV from Fry's Electronics. The damn thing cost me $2339 + 279.00 for the three-year warranty and out the door total was $2,896 ! ! ! ! What the HELL WAS I THINKING?

Sure, it's a SONY, but it cost waaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy too much and I'm going to return it tonight or on Saturday afternoon. The other MAIN reason I'm returning the Sony is because it's Standard Definition picture is overtly pixelated. Granted any LCD / Plasma will be pixelized in SD, but this set's image was just way under my Videophile standards. I'm getting the 40" Samsung LN-T4061F. This'll be a great little LCD, and as per many customer reviews its Standard Def output is "good" or "great" so that's encouraging. The Sony was the same size, but looked larger because of the glass bezel frame around the whole matte black speaker enclosure.

It looked great in our bedroom, and as per Breanna (affirming she liked the Sony) stated, "Daddy, don't take this one back, I like it. It's really nice and the new TMNT is great on it." For those of you who do not know, TMNT is: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. My son, Logan, loves that movie, and Breanna likes it as well.

It's got incredible CG images the res is just incredible on a PS3 in Blu-Ray format.....I borrowed my friend's PS3 for a couple days to test out the image quality on the Sony (Only word to describe it: awesome). The Samsung though will save me $1,000 and with that, hell, we could pay our car payments sooner, go out to one hell of a dinner or night in SF on the Tenderloin looking at beautiful naked women and queers. ;) Or heck, I'll just pay home owners insurance early, there's a good idea. :)

OK, Tressa, I just want you to know you are the other half of my soul now. My best friend, always, and forever. I will love you till the end of time, Babydoll. Two words, Babe: Thank you. Hugs y muchos besos!!!!! ;)

Mom & Dad: Without you, I'd be broke, and both of my cars would have been re-poe'd by now. Heheheh, that or Chase, B of A, or Commonwealth would have charged me 15 more $35 dollar over your limit fees. :) You guys are my CLASSIC ROCK N' ROLLERS, keep on Chooglin'.

Daniel and Melissa, don't fuck up this Dell computer I'm working on for you. LMAO!!!! ;) I don't know if I told Tress, but I'm working on it some, coming along good. I'll let you know by Sunday how it's going.

Logan & Breanna: Damn, you two are spoiled. But I love the hell out of both of you. You are my world. Breanna, keep smiling, be patient, and remember just because Logan has one of two identical items, doesn't mean you need to have ONE of them (so no throwing fits for the thing)!!! :) My handsome Logan remember: I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU. ;)

More to come, God Bless, " . . . and with a whimper man, I'm fuckin' out of here!" -Dennis Hopper --> "Apocolypse Now"



Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Wednesday, 8-8-07, 4:05pm

Refinancing . . . ahhh, what a Godsend to some, what a financial burden to others. In my case, a Godsend. I'll pay off my last three credit cards and happily grab the scissors and cut that EVIL PLASTIC mini-magnetic piece of crap in two!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then, with my cash-out, I'll go down to Best Buy, and purchase that 40" Samsung LNT-4061F LCD TV I've wanted for the Master Bedroom for the last 3 years. :) Heheheh, LIFE IS BLISS. I'm looking forward to paying off 80% or 90% of my Student Loan from SJSU as well. Then it's ALL ABOUT SAVINGS ACCOUNT ACTION!!!!! I'll be able to save $300 to $400 every two weeks, and I'm going to put my On-Call Pay in the Savings as well.

Life should be good, once again. It's hard when you've "gone over your head" and are living paycheck to paycheck. That's how it's been for the last two or three years.....and I've hated every minute of it; NO MORE REPRESSION FROM THE DARK SIDE!!! Be gone Credit Card companies, at last I've use The Force of the GREEN to banish your evil-ness! ;) LOL!!!!!!

OK, Sony KDL-40XBR2, Samsung LNT-4061F, or TH-42PZ700U? Off to Fry's for a DEMO!!!! :-)

Take care all, Logan's going to love me cause he plays my X-Box and PS2 in the bedroom, he'll love the color any of the above TVs give off for his games! His most common request from me is, "Can I play games?!!!!" Sure you can Logan, and Daddy will whip your ass at em' too, until you're older and can out reflex me. ;)

More to come, take it easy.


Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Wednesday, August 1, 2007, 3:12pm

Well folks, I finally went out and did it. I called every EB Games, Gamestop and Target store that I know of (approx 14 stores) and I found a store that had 7 Nintendo Wii's in stock at 12:00pm. I instantly drove down there on my lunch (which was late at 1:00pm I took it) and by the time I got there and ALL THE WAY TO THE BACK OF THE STORE IN THE ELECTRONICS Department, I found ONE. Only ONE WAS LEFT ! ! ! ! ! I was amazed. In an hour and a half, 6 Wii's flew out the door by buyers eager to purchase one like myself. Incredible....can you imagine Nintendo's sales revenue, and at Christmas, I bet you won't be able to find any of them!

I drove home and dropped it off, and after work, went directly home to hook it up to my 57" Widescreen TV. It was awesome, I bought one game for it: Heatseeker (It's a fighter jet combat game). I have a huge love of Fighter Jets and all they can do, so that was the right game for me.

The control is awesome with the Nintendo remote and Nunchuk hooked up to it. The remote is your pilot's stick with the trigger firing missiles and bombs of various types. The Nunchuk is cool because it's used for Throttle control and flares/chaff defenses.

I probably should not have bought the dang Wii console, cause our Space Rent at PDR is coming up, but screw em' ! ! ! ! ;) So what if I go negative $250!!!??? What's $250 any way....LOL! NOT!!!!!!! I'm hoping/praying I can deposit some money in the account before Friday to cover my impulsive purchase. Damn, it's fun though, SUPER FUN!!!!!!! I started out in a small fighter jet that looks much like the little plane Roger Moore flew through the beginning scene of Octopussy. That was a good movie, by the way. :)

I passed a couple other missions and have an F-16 and an F-15 on-hand, currently I'm using the F-15 since it's more of a multi-strike attack fighter.

Logan's B-Day went well at Pump It Up on Fair Oaks Ave. He played, and played, and ran, and ran and ran some more. They loved all the jump houses. Breanna was smiling from ear to ear when she saw her old friend Natalia show up!!!!! It was too cool ! ! !

OK, more later, I have to finish work and go home to play me some Nintendo Wii ! ! ! ! ! ! ;)


Monday, July 30, 2007

Monday, July 30, 2007, 11:02pm

I hate memories some times. They can be old friends that make you smile when thinking about something, yet they can be haunting and gripping to no end. All things get better in time. Well, what is time? Who knows how long I will remember the passing of my first wife, seven hours, seven days, or seven years --- or more.

I simply remember to laugh and smile each day. :) I like to joke around and have fun. Being in the IT field, we get to joke around and play our rock music loud in our cubes and generally have fun as long as we get the job done and help our customers (users that have problems with the email or they've got a blue screening laptop (Good old Dell Computers and IBMs). Hehehhe, well that's what a warranty's for, right? RIGHT. Because just like cars, computers are electronic and mechanical in nature. Like everything mechanical or electronic: IT WILL EVENTUALLY FAIL. If you don't have a warranty on it, be prepared to spend lots of money or you may just want to buy a new one. :)

I can't BELIEVE that Logan turned 3 on 7-26-07. Man he's getting big fast. Talking a lot now, and my Angel, Miss Breanna, well she's a chatter box times 50! :)

Tressa's sick, sore throat, respiratory infection, not good at all. But hey, she took some good drugs and will be sleeping soundly soon. She needs her rest so I hope it works well. Arithromyicin is supposed to be pretty good for these infections, so we'll see in 3 to 4 days if she's better. At least I hope we will, I'm missing the home cooked meals and wonderful items she puts together on our dinner table. She's an excellent cook and should be awarded the Purple Heart for the things she's done to her hands with a knife (accidentally of course). Got a knuckle of hers real good with our J.A. Henkels knife (the big one) and had to go to ER to get it fixed. YUCK, what a bummer for her, but she's alright now. She's my culinary master chef ! ! ! And did I mention.....She ROCKS!!!!!!!!!! I love you baby, if you're reading any of this Blog. :)

Alright, that's it, more to come later.

Bye for now! . . . . . .

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Saturday, 7-7-07, 8:41pm

It's been awhile since I've written anything on my Blog. Hello readers, nice to type to you again. :)

I spent the day lazily enjoying myself. Early this morning I woke up at 7:45am, went online to and checked out the showtimes. I saw Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer at 10:25am. I couldn't believe the show started that early. Shows used to start at 11:15 or 12:00pm, but they're getting earlier these days. At least the price was right, took my Dad and it was $6.00 per ticket. It's usually $10.25 for an afternoon or evening show, which in my humble opinion is highway robbery. Tickets should NEVER go higher than $7.25, that's my honest opinion. I mean really, the theaters make so much money when us movie-goers get to the concession stands, it's ridiculous to charge $10.25 for a damn ticket. It's gotten so expensive, I rarely go to the movies any more (I used to go once or twice a week, now it's once or twice every couple of months). It's just cheaper to rent movies and watch them at home. If you take two kids, your wife and yourself, you're looking at $30 to $40 right at the counter if everyone wants popcorn, a small drink, and candy. OUTRAGEOUS. I'll by a Snickers, a Hershey bar, and a Reeses Cup and three Diet Cokes and a regular Coke for $6 or $7 so it comes down to being economic and a smart movie goer. Matinees are the way to go, otherwise AMC and Century Theaters: YOU CAN KISS MY ASS AND KEEP YOUR $10.25.

After the show, I fixed the Pioneer Laserdisc player in the front room, it's all hooked up once again (it's a combo Laserdisc/DVD player). Great little unit. Don't get me wrong, for Progressive Scan I use my 4 month old Sony DVD, but for Laserdiscs and kid DVDs, the Pioneer's fine. Breanna helped me hook up the Video 2 cable to the back of the TV. She's the only one small enough to get back there. Otherwise I'd have to pull the TV out (it's a 57" projection TV, so pulling it all out to access the video ports is no easy task).

Then after the kid's nap, we went to Washington Park. Logan loved the swings. They had a good time on all the Jungle Gyms, but for some reason, Logan kept obsessing on the swings. He'd yell at me when I stopped pushing him, "Daddy, push me please!!!" :)

Breanna liked the Jungle Gyms more, she enjoyed the pole on one of them saying, "Daddy, watch me," and would slide down the pole like a Fire Woman! It was cool . . . saw a black squirrel too, he was cool, off by the picnic tables looking for nuts and food. He scurried up close tree when we got near, but he was cool to watch.

I'm enjoying renting movies at Blockbuster off El Camino and Mary Ave now, they don't have any more late fees, so that's Netflix-like. They wouldn't take a trade in of Starchaser (it's a kid movie, but too violent for the kids so I wanted to get a different movie). The store manager, said nope, can't do that, if I did, I'd have to do it for every customer that had a complaint about a movie. In the end, I got Aladdin and the 40 Thieves and the manager gave me an E-Coupon that was good for one rental, so it was free (he was a pretty reasonable guy, and I was grateful).

I've been looking around for a 32" or 37" LCD TV. The Vizio looks good, and the Samsung is the best one around, but they're anywhere from $800 to $1,499 so I'm holding off for now. Would love one for the Master Bedroom, but bills and other stuff take priority. :( ONE DAY!!!!!!

More to come later....

Have a good night,


Monday, February 26, 2007

Monday, 2-26-07, 10:45am

"You're like sheep without a shephard, you don't know how to be alone . . . you keep askin', "How do I get outta here . . . where do I fit in? Though the world is torn and shaken, even if your heart is breakin', it's waiting for you to awaken, and someday you will . . . Learn To Be Still . . ."

-The Eagles

That one line in the chorus: Learn To Be Still. We all need to do that from time to time. My kids are like chaotic lightning bolts sometimes. Constantly moving, constantly needing my wife's or my attention. I remembered back to when I was 5 years old, Mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, look at this, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, MOM!!!!!!!!!!!! Hehehe, she probably gave in and said, "Yeah that looks really cool, Bri," and then went back to her conversation with her girlfriend or my Grandma, but talk about nagging! What punks kids can be . . . but at the same time, the best part about kids, is that sense of belonging.

Being part of the greater good. Feeling that you are their parents, their leaders, and raising them well. It gives me such a great sense of pride, and when Breanna or Logan look at you just right and say, "Daddy, I love you," the melt factor goes to 180% or more! :)

Logan is talking up a storm now, and very communicative, he's 2 years and 7 months old now, so just a bit beyond 2.5. Man is he talking, and he's immitating sounds and behaviors like mad. He'll sit in front of my computer at home, put his TINY LITTLE hands on the keyboard and move them.....he turns to Tressa and says, "I'm working." What a crack up!!!!!!!!!

The other thing I love is he will be coughing or I hear a loud thump hit the ground when he's running like a Cheetah on speed, and I get concerned: "Logan, are you OK?" The reply always comes, "I'm OK, I'm OK." Sometimes singular, but I love it when it's twice. My favorite phrase he uses is when he wants to be close to you watching a movie: "Will you lay down with me, please?" or "Will you sit down with me. Me and you, watch Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!"

Breanna's into Bratz dolls these days, no more princesses. She told me yesterday, I don't like Princesses any more, I only like BRATZ dolls. I told her you can like more than one thing, babe. :) She looked at me puzzled for a second and said, "Ah, OK, I love bratz dolls but I just like princesses a little bit." Cracked me up!!! She has a new BRATZ wall comforter we hung up right over her bed with some cool curvy ornate curtain ends (looks curvy/celtic-ie? : ) but either way it's awesome, and she loves it.

Logan in turn has a Cayman Porsche poster over his bed, a few fighter jet pics, and Spider-Man, Captain America, The Hulk, and the best one WOLVERINE over his bed as well. He loves em' ! ! !

That's all for now . . .



Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Wednesday, 1-24-07, 4:02pm

My little girl is FIVE years old today!!! It seems like yesterday she was born at Lucille Packard's Childrens Hospital at Stanford. Breanna, your Nana & Papa came down and visited you on 1-18-07....then your B-Day party at Chuck E Cheese in Cupertino was on Saturday, 1-20-07. YOU HAD A BLAST THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!! You were running every which way but loose and screamed with every present you opened that day! ;)

Everyone was elated to see you and hear your amazing 5-year-old vocabulary! Logan was closely in tow running around and screaming at all the games and things to do at Chuck E Cheese! It's a great place, and you both love going there (I think this is your 5th or 6th time you've been there).

You wear Nana out too! And PAPA!!!!! LOL!!!! It's funny to come back from Costco or the store after an hour or two, and the look on Nana's face is, "Please give me a break, I can't take no more!!!" LMAO!!!!! Poor Nana, she's not as young as she used to be, but she thinks she is! :)

Your favorite gift, you'll open tonight, it's a Leapfrog Leapster TV game-set. It hooks up to the TV and there's tons of different games for it at Fry's Electronics. The two we got you are: SpongBob Saves the Day and K for Kindergarten. You got a cool Dora the Explorer one from Uncle Rome while at Chuck E Cheese! We'll hook it up tonight and you can give it a whirl.

I've got to download all the pictures I took at Chuck E Cheese and print some good ones out for my office (and make a CD for Nana & Papa to mail down to O.C.). I love you mucho sweetheart. I was the first one to wish you Happy Birthday this morning when I woke you up for school at 7:15am. I'll probably be the last one to wish you Happy Birthday tonight when I kiss you on the forehead and say, "Go to sleep, My Princess, you have school tomorrow . . ."

